Identifying Heartworm Symptoms In Dogs And The Importance Of Pre-Treating

By Jennifer Richard

Many people believe that heartworms are an infestation that dogs can catch from other dogs or from eating things off the ground that have been infected. This is not the case. Heartworms are caused by mosquitoes who carry the larvae of heartworms and infect the dog when they bite it. When heartworm symptoms in dogs becomes noticable the dog usually has had the infestation for a long period of time.

Many pet owners have their pets treated for heartworms each year during a regular checkup. Being treated before symptoms appear ensures that the pet will not develop heartworms or, if they have been bitten by a mosquito carrying larvae, the larvae will not survive long enough to do any permanent damage.

The rate of dogs who are being infested with heartworms in the United States is so high that it is very important to pre-treat a pet before they are exposed to areas where they may get bitten by mosquitoes. These treatments will insure that the pet does not become ill and require more expensive treatment.

Mosquitoes exist and multiply in any area that has standing water or new construction. There are many cases where mosquitoes will inhabit an area near a pool in a home's yard. It is very hard to protect a pet from playing in a field or yard where there may be standing water and this water can be a breeding ground for infected mosquitoes.

An infestation is fully manifested by the type heartworm symptoms in dogs become visible. Heartworms can live in the bloodstream of a dog, attacking organs throughout the body, for several years with no visible symptoms. By the time the symptoms do begin to appear the dog is ill and needs to see a vet immediately.

One of the main symptoms that a dog will show when the heartworms have clogged the heart is coughing. The cough will not sound like kennel cough but be more raspy as thought the dog is gasping for air while coughing. A dog may cough so hard that they will cough up blood or pass out in the middle of coughing.

With the infestation in the lungs the ability for a dog to produce oxygen that they need is greatly reduced. This causes many dogs to have shortness of breathe and sound very raspy when they breathe.

As the organs and brain are deprived of necessary blood and oxygen a pet will begin to lose consciousness often. They will often seem very tired and will be unable to do many of the activities that they once enjoyed. In most cases they will need the assistance of their owner to make a jump or climb stairs.

Heartworm symptoms in dogs that has become visible and noticeable to the owner is an indication that they have a severe infestation. Along with the heartworm infestation most pets also have other infections that result from the inability of their bodies to fight off infection. The treatment for these symptoms involves several trips to the vet for medication and treatment. Following treatment a dog must be kept quiet for several months and checked regularly until the infestation has been destroyed and they can return to health. - 29895

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