Important Dog Health Symptoms Information

By Jennefer Poultson

If you are a loving pet owner, your dog's health is extremely important to you. You will notice things in their behavior before anyone else, almost like one of your children. Keeping a close eye on changes and determining if they are acting abnormal can quickly pinpoint key health symptoms. Having some, basic knowledge of common illnesses will let you know more quickly if a trip to the veterinarian is in order.

Being attentive to your dog's normal behavior can be the best thing you do in discovering symptoms of ill health. The better you know your pet the more likely you will be to see the early signs that he is in trouble. You are the first line of defense for keeping your dog healthy. For instance if you have a well trained pet who never has an accident and suddenly your slippers are soggy in the morning it could be the first indication that you need to seek veterinarian assistance.

There are a few symptoms that unquestioningly need medical assistance and one of them is blood in the urine. Blood in your dog's urine can be an indication of kidney disease or failure. If that is the case, he will need immediate medical treatment. Your quick action could save your animal's life so do not delay even a moment. Similarly, blood in the feces can point to a common illness called parvo. This virus if caught early can be cured but if left to long will be fatal.

Nausea and vomiting is common in all pets and usually means they have eaten something that does not agree with them. However if the nausea is coupled with fever, lethargy or pain this could be a sign that veterinary attention is required. Repeated vomiting can lead to dehydration and allow secondary infections, which may be fatal. Again, this is where paying close attention to their health and symptoms of common illnesses is vital. Remember too that many times your pet will look fine but be gravely ill they have evolved to be that way.

When thinking about dog health symptoms, you'll find that one thing that you can keep in mind is to check the coat. Remember that a dog's coat, whether it is thick or thin, should be relatively glossy and healthy looking. If you pet your dog and realize that he or she is a lot rougher or that there are some bald patches underneath your hands, you need to think about what might be causing it. In many cases, you may find that there is a problem with your dog's diet or a skin problem.

These a few basic health problems can easily be detected when you know what to look for. In conclusion, take the extra time to interact daily with your pet and pay attention to the little things. You never know when you may inadvertently save your dogs life by noticing symptoms of failing health early. - 29895

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