Puppy Potty Training Made Easy

By Geraldine Dimarco

Bringing home a new puppy is one of the best things ever. Everyone is excited, cooing and crowding around the little fur ball. Then the romance begins to die down after a few weeks, people start getting busy again. You've guessed correctly, it's time for puppy potty training to commence

If you're a new dog owner, potty training will launch you into the unfamiliar and often rewarding terrain of canine training. You may not like parts of it, but generally it's a pretty exciting journey. Read on to get great puppy training tips anyone can use.

Recognize your puppy's limitations. They will not be able to control their bodily functions quite as well yet so do not serve them their meals right before their sleeping time. In the beginning, you will have to wake up in the night to bring your puppy out to relieve himself. You'll be a little cranky and impatient but do not rush the dog if he's not yet ready. At this point, it is important to instill in him good habits that he will carry his whole life.

Have a schedule for their meal times daily and do not vary from it as much as possible. His body needs to be accustomed to a certain pattern of eating and eliminating. Take him outdoors to discharge early in the morning and late at night. After meals, bring him to his designated potty place to do his business. Keep repeating a phrase the puppy will associate with toilet activities like 'go potty' until he does.

When he finishes discharging, praise him profusely. The puppy should realize that going to the right spot for toilet duties was a good thing. Give him a treat and play with him for a few minutes before leading him back inside. Go out again after an hour just in case the dog feels like going potty again. Remember, good habits are the foundation of successful puppy potty training.

Now it's time to teach him how to request to go outside for toilet. Sounds difficult? It's not as hard as you think. Fasten a bell at the end of a rope and tie to the door. When you go out for your special walks, give the bell a little nudge and say 'go potty' clearly so the puppy will hear. Do this for two weeks. After that time, say 'go potty' when you reach the door but don't do anything. Wait for the dog to touch the bell from habit which he will with patient practice. When he does, reward him with plenty of praise and open the door.

Repeat this process every single time the puppy uses his toilet privileges. Your dog will catch on and understand this as his signal to want to go out. Before long, he will know enough to tap the bell or door by himself whenever he needs to unload.

When done properly and without fail, these puppy training tips will have successfully potty trained the dog. Enjoy this moment"before long its time for another episode of you and your puppys adventure! - 29895

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