Proper Veterinary Care For Older Dogs

By William Renfro

When it comes to the need for medical attention, your pooch is like a human. As a puppy, he needed vaccinations and frequent check-ups. When he became an adult, routine exams were still important, but could be performed less frequently. As he grows older, his need for ongoing veterinary care becomes greater. His health - and by extension, his happiness - is heavily dependent upon the prevention of diseases, and early treatment in the event they are diagnosed.

Because canines are living longer, it is more important than ever for owners to arrange for their veterinary care. Below, we'll provide a brief overview of the types of services and examinations older pooches need from their veterinarians.

Weight Control And Nutrition Advice

Weight and nutrition play key roles in your canine's long-term health. One of the most prevalent conditions that have afflicted dogs over the last ten years is obesity. Left unchecked, it can lead to joint pain and long-term health issues.

Your veterinarian can help design a meal and exercise program that will help you control your pooch's weight while making sure he receives the vitamins and nutrients he needs. If necessary, the vet can recommend supplements to compensate for any nutritional deficiencies.

Medical History And Physical Examination

A key to effective veterinary care is to start a medical history on your dog as soon as possible. That way, the vet can track symptoms and identify the onset of any health-related problems.

Periodic physical exams are an integral part of compiling this history. Normally, adult canines should undergo a full examination once per year. As your pooch grows older, your veterinarian may suggest he undergo exams twice or even three times per year. This is especially true if your dog suffers any serious health conditions that require regular monitoring.

Other Types Of Exams

Your vet will examine your canine's teeth, gums, and mouth during the course of a routine physical examination. This can help prevent gum disease and other dental issues. If your pooch is unaccustomed to having his mouth opened by someone, he may need to be sedated.

Another important examination that your veterinarian will perform is a rectal exam. This too, is a regular component of the physical exam. The vet will take a look at your dog's colon and prostate (in the case of a male). The lymph nodes and urinary tract should also be examined.

As canines age, they become more susceptible to problems that inflict their eyes. For example, they can develop cataracts and glaucoma. Your veterinarian will want to examine your pooch's eyes in order to identify such issues early - before they can cause permanent vision impairment.

There are several additional services that your vet may want to perform to help ensure the long-term health of your dog. These might include treatment for parasites and heartworms, urinalysis, thyroid testing, blood pressure testing, and a complete blood count. In the end, trust the veterinarian and follow his or her recommendations. By doing so, you'll help your four-legged friend live a long and happy life. - 29895

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What to Do About Dog Heart Murmur Symptoms

By Jennefer Poultson

If your dog has a heart murmur, this is indicative that there is an abnormal amount of blood flow within your dog's heart. This can either be due to a change in the heart valves and their function or a variety of other potential reasons. There may be an abnormal communication between the left and the right side of the dog's heart and this can result in having a dog heart murmur. There may be numerous reasons for this. They may be either congenital or acquired. This means that the heart was affected after the dog was born due to disease or age. There are two distinct kinds of dog heart murmurs. The first is a benign heart murmur which is of no concern to your pup's health. However, it may be a serious heart murmur which may be indicative of congestive heart failure in dogs.

Dog heart murmur symptoms may involve the following: bluish tinge to the gums or tongue, poor exercise ability, coughing, labored breathing and even fainting. Some of these symptoms would suggest that your pup may have other health issues. However, the symptoms are similar between benign heart murmurs and those that are more severe in nature. If you are at all concerned about your canine's health, you should consult your veterinarian. A couple of these symptoms may be overlooked which would include poor exercise ability and a bluish tinge to the gums. If you think that your dog has any dog heart murmur symptoms, canine heart disease or the development of congestive heart failure, immediately contact your vet for a positive diagnosis.

These are symptoms that indicate that something serious is going on with your dog's health. The best way to identify the source and severity of the dog's heart murmur is to conduct a thorough physical examination by a veterinarian, however sometimes additional testing is needed including a heart ultrasound, blood testing, an EKG and chest x-rays. The ultrasound offers a particularly enticing list of benefits because it allows your veterinarian to measure the extent of the murmur, defining whatever the cause of the underlying heart disease may be. It is vital that you be able to properly diagnose the cause of your dog's heart condition because some conditions that cause heart murmurs are treatable, either through surgery or through medication.

If your dog has a congenital heart murmur, then surgery may be indicated. On the other hand, it may be necessary to give your pup certain kinds of medication may be because non-congenital heart murmurs are often an underlying symptom of congestive heart failure in dogs. You will not know how to proceed until you have consulted with the proper veterinarian and received advice regarding your dog's health. You should not leave symptoms like these to chance simply because not every heart murmur is benign and there could be serious changes occurring in the heart of your dog.

It is vital to share any concerns or questions that you may have with your veterinarian especially when it comes to your dog's physical condition and lifestyle. If you are not comfortable with a diagnosis from your general veterinarian, you should consider seeking out a specialist for your dog. You could either go to a veterinary cardiologist or an internist. These vets have specialized training and probably have vast experience in these problems and other issues that your dog may have. - 29895

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How Agility Can Builds Confidence In Your Dog

By Martin Elmer

Is your dog sensitive to sounds or is it timid around other dogs. Then agility training can provide the right environment and a good structure to build the necessary confidence in your dog. The classes are great places to learn about the training and sport. But it can still take a long time, before the dog is ready to leave your lap or the hiding under the chair.

A timid dog is only ready to learn from inside its comfort zone. So the best place for training is probably the home, where it feels safe and the learning can be done in small increments.

So, how do you train at home? You will need guidelines and equipment. There is a multitude of websites that can give you information on agility training. There are also books and videos that will give details and visual aids and lesson plans for beginners thru expert levels.

There is a wide range of equipment that can be both helpful and useful for dog training in your home. So you have to look at the location and available space, before you choose the equipment. Do you have a large yard? Well, good for you. But most people only have a small yard, where they have to setup the equipment every time. Or they might have to train in the garage or basement; or even in the living room.

When you are training a timid dog the equipment has to be sturdy and safe. A pause table is a good starting point for dog training. Buy a 12" high pause table, which is good for dogs in all sizes. Set it up in a familiar area, if your dog is shy. You can leave it in the house or yard for a couple of days, if your dog is the barking type. Then it can smell and inspect it in its own pace. Always remember to use baby steps training an insecure dog.

To encourage it to get up on the table you can use treats or its favorite toy. And remember it may well take several lesson. If it loses interest, you should try something new like placing yourself on the table. Then you can either hold it or have it on leash, while you are sitting on the table. But remember only to treat it when it comes against you. Never reward it, when it is pulling away.

When the dog gets more experienced, you might want the dog to jump on the table using a cue word like Table, stay on the table as you back away with the word Stay and Come to you, when you call. You should extend the distance slowly, not pushing the dog to hard.

You can follow the above techniques introducing new obstacles as your dog is able to succeed. As your dog succeeds on each new piece of equipment you will see his confidence grow. - 29895

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The B.A.R.F. Philosophy For Natural Dog Health

By Mario Del Sol

Pet care involves the constant search for the best foods and diet that provides complete dog food nutrition. A majority of today's pet owners and animal breeders choose to feed dogs with commercialized pet foods, which are said to contain all a dog's nutrition needs. However, raw food diets such as the B.A.R.F. diet is gaining significant following. Pet owners who have tried it testify to its effectiveness in keeping their pets healthy and free from diseases.

Conceptualized by Dr. Ian Billinghurst of Australia, B.A.R.F. is a diet based on what dogs as canines should be naturally fed - uncooked meat, organic foods, fat, and offal. The goal is not to bring dogs exactly what their ancestors ate, but to at least offer them an identical diet. True enough, scientific observations conducted by some groups show that pets on a raw food diet look healthier, live longer, are more vigorous, and have healthier appetites.

Billinghurst said that the most "appropriate" way to feed our pet dogs is to give them raw whole foods with ingredients of the same nutritional balance as those in food consumed by their ancestors in the wild. B.A.R.F. meals consist of bones, muscle meat, fat, dairy products, eggs, grain, fruits, vegetables, organ meat, and other food products.

According to advocates of this type of diet, there is no harm in giving dogs what their bodies are suited to eat in the first place. Chicken bone is mostly recommended and it is combined in specified ratios with raw meaty bones from rabbits, beef, turkey, pork, venison, and other sources. The most important thing is to never give dogs cooked bones.

B.A.R.F. diet advocates believe dog foods that are commercially prepared are missing the enzymes and dietary components needed to provide the proper development for a dog. Many of the foods that are commercially processed contain dog food ingredients that can be harmful. Users of the B.A.R.F. diet would rather feed their dogs homemade raw foods. Varying the ingredients of these dog food recipes will have the dog looking forward to feeding time. - 29895

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Crate Training Dogs Is A Good Thing

By Geraldine Dimarco

Have you ever read about crate training dogs? It sounds like an inhumane act to dogs that don't do as they're told. Surprisingly, it's actually the contrary. Crate training is a good method of training based on the dogs' natural need for security.

It was said that dogs shared the same ancestors as wolves. While I cannot be absolutely sure on the validity of that tidbit, it is a definite fact that dogs were once animals that lived in the wild. Their earlier canine forefathers utilized dark and secured lairs as their dens. This was there protection from all the dangers that were out in the open space. It is on this principle that crate training is based on.

This method greatly helps in house training dogs by containing them in their own area - thus minimizing the possibility of them causing any damage to anyone or anything including themselves. Crate training not only give the dogs a haven from a busy household, it significantly decreases inconvenience and stress of their human counterparts. They can put the dogs in the crates during long travels or trips to the vets without much trouble.

While it may be a great help to many, crate training are not suitable for every pet. There are some dogs that have been abused and cannot be put in a crate without becoming extremely upset. Other animals who are much more of a challenge to train, panic when the doors close in and break the box they're in. Sometimes, well-meaning owners just cannot stand the thought of live animals inside a coffin like enclosure and reject the idea altogether

Essentially, crate training dogs is dependent on the owners sentiments on it. If thinking about your dog inside a closed box just freaks you out; its alright, do not attempt to do this anymore. However, if you believe that you and your dog could do well with discipline and a little space then read on to see how to crate train your dog the best way.

Find a spot that is close to where people would be hanging out often. Ensure that the crate is a comfortable size that can hold the interesting things for the dog to play with. When he is inside, do not close the box just yet. Talk to him and pet him through his crate. Feed him inside. When it seems alright, start closing the door of the crate for several minutes while you are still in the room. If the animal starts to whimper and complain loudly, let him quiet down first before you let him out. This is of course a little frightening for the little pet so do not hurry him this whole process.

Never use this as a form of punishment for the dog. He should associate the crate as a calming and safe place for him to be in. If the animal is not getting upset being left alone in the crate, leave the house in short periods to gauge his reaction. If everything works out, you have accomplished the important task of crate training your dog. This will free you from worrying about your pet all the time. Moreover, you have given your dog his own special space of peace from the world. - 29895

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Puppy Training For Potty Training Your New Little Companion!

By Anita L. Platt

Potty training your puppy will be the most important thing that you teach him. Showing your puppy that his potty is outdoors is something that should be indicated the minute you get him home. You will need to prepare yourself for a lot of waiting and watching; but with time and patience, you and your puppy will succeed at puppy training.

When you bring your puppy home, you should immediately show him the area where he is to choose his potty. You can hide the potty area from others' view by putting a fence or plants in pots around the potty area. This also serves to distinguish the area as your puppy's potty.

Teaching the command "outside" is very important. You should say this command loudly to your puppy whenever he pees or poops inside. Then you will have to pick him up and run outside with him to make him finish going potty in his puppy training area. Then you will praise him for actually going on the potty.

Believe it or not, eventually you will teach and enable your puppy to use the potty on command. Puppy training on command also calls for another command word of your choice.

Praise should be given every time your puppy asks to go outside and actually uses his potty. Tell your friends and family to be sure to praise him in these cases as well.

A common misconception is that an accident calls for punishment. This is not the case. Oftentimes, punishment may actually cause more accidents because it will only frighten and confuse him. Some puppies will even begin to potty in areas where it is hard to see the pee and poop if they are punished for potty training accidents.

Punishment is something that should never be done when puppy training. You will only hurt your puppy; he may even become scared to use his potty outside. Many puppies will begin to eliminate inside when they are punished when puppy training. They may even attempt to hide the evidence, yet they will still keep reacting in this way.

If you follow the mentioned tips, while maintaining routine, love, and firmness; just when you feel like he will never get it - puppy will surprise you one day in his potty training efforts. This will be the first time he asks to go outside to use his very own potty! - 29895

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Top 7 Pet Travel Tips For Car Rides

By Tim Lambert

No Sticking Their Heads Out The Window: Although most pets will take great enjoyment from spending the entire road trip with their head out the window, it's not safe. Your pet can easily be injured by flying debris from the road not to mention other cars. Along this same tip, I hope that it should go without mention that traveling with your pet in the back of the pickup truck is also a definite no-no! Some states even have laws restricting this type of animal transport because it is always dangerous.

Stop Frequently: You should take frequent stops to let your pet walk around for a few minutes and use the bathroom. Most rest stops and travel assistance areas will have specific areas for you to take your pet. Always pickup after your pet and try to stay in the designated "pet zone" when walking your pet. Always keep your pet on a lease and make sure that they have proper identification on their collar whenever they are outside of the car.

Give Them Plenty Of Water: At each rest stop make sure to have some water available for your pet to drink from. Sometimes car travel will upset your pets stomach and this will give it something to help prevent sickness. Something that a lot of people recommend is to take ice cubes on road-trips as they're a fun way for your pet to get their needed re-hydration and it doesn't take up as much room as bringing lots of water will.

Dont Feed Them Extra: You should keep the snacks to a minimum on any long road trip. Fast-food and any other traveler-friendly eateries should not be seen as food sources for your pet. That means no feeding them leftovers as well! That type of food will typically result in poor bowel movement or worse, end up with a sick pet.

Don't Leave Them Stranded: Never leave your pet by themselves in a parked vehicle. On average warm days, the temperature in your car can rise to 120 degrees in minutes, even if you have the windows slightly open. Another reason to not leave them in the car is it sometimes can act as an open invitation to pet thieves.

Keep Them Restrained: Make sure that your pet is safely restrained while in your car. Using a pet safety-harness or travel kennel are the easiest ways to keep your pet safe. These will not only protect your pet from harm, but they also help by keeping them from distracting you while you are driving. A pet safety harness acts the same way as a regular seatbelt does. While your typical pet will not find any problems adjusting to it, you may want to let them test it out by wearing the harness by itself a few times before using it in the car. If your dog prefers a travel kennel, make sure that the kennel is well ventilated and stabilized. Many pet owners prefer vehicle barriers, particularly for larger pets. Vehicle barriers are best suited for SUVs or other cars with large connected storage areas. No matter what method you choose, back seat travel is always safer for your pet than in the passenger seat.

Comfortably Safe: Keeping your pet comfortable during the trip will go a long way in not having to deal with any flare-ups or 'accidents' during the getaway. Just as it's important for your seat to be comfortable, it is important to keep their area of the car pet-friendly. The easiest way to do this is by bringing along their favorite toy or blanket, sometimes even a travel bed. - 29895

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Do You Make Homemade Dog Food?

By Jennifer Poultson

Dogs are considered to be like best friends to many pet owners. These pet owners might not even think about the quality of the food that they serve their dogs. Many pet owners are confused by the health issues that their dogs face. A lot of times the owners have no idea why the health problems occur.

If you want a healthier dog, and are trying to improve your dog's energy level and appearance, you should try flint river ranch dog food. Or, you could opt to make your own dog food. This can be done using the same foods you prepare for yourself and your family. For dog information, most people turn to veterinarians.

For dog information, many people turn to veterinarians. Some vets will recommend vitamin supplements or medications, but this might not be necessary. It is possible that the only thing you need to change is the dog's diet; if your dog starts eating healthier, you may see improvements in appearance, energy level, and overall health. Many dog foods contain the scraps and waste left from food processors. It doesn't sound very appetizing, and is not considered the healthiest type of food.

If you read up on just a bit of dog information to guide you, you have a better choice. You can choose to make your own dog food from the most of the same ingredients you use to prepare the family meals. But be sure to place the food in the frig to cool for a little while before serving it to Fido. Nevertheless, this situation presents a few disadvantages.

The most important one is that unless you are well versed in dog information and nutrition, you will not be able to guarantee that your dog is getting the proper nutrients from your diet. Also, feeding an extra mouth at the table can be expensive and time consuming. It would be far preferable to discover a dog food product made with organic ingredients fit for human consumption. Flint River Ranch manufactures their pet foods under rigorously controlled conditions.

Their product is highly digestible and its crucial vitamins and minerals are easily absorbed. This is a top level dog food that will make your pet lick his bowl clean. If you want a healthier dog, and are trying to improve your dog's energy level and appearance, you should try Flint River Ranch pet foods. The Flint River Ranch owners are committed to producing a high quality pet product, and are happy to answer questions and give assistance to dog owners who are looking for the healthiest lifestyle possible for their beloved pets. Your dog can have the gift of health if you feed human grade, high quality dog food. - 29895

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How To Quiet A Whining Dog

By Sonia Kekkonen

The incessant whining that is part and parcel of some dog owners' experience with canine companionship is soon sure to sap the last bit of love and affection out of the relationship and in some cases will also sour the neighborly ties of homeowners living adjacent to your vociferous canine. Of course, whining happens in even the most well behaved dog, but there are some tips and tricks to learn from dog owners who have been through it!

1. Listen to the different "voices" of your dog. Your dog is not whining or barking for no reason. Has he spotted another animal? Did someone enter your backyard and your dog is defending his territory? Maybe he needs food or water?

2. Whining is a distinct sign that your dog is in distress. Many alert owners have saved their dogs from harm by investigating when their dog was whining.

3. Dogs whine when they are feeling lonely. Dogs are very social animals, in their natural settings they live together in packs. If you have been gone all day your dog may be whining out of loneliness. Set aside the first 10 minutes when you get home from work to play and socialize with your dog and you will stop the whining in it's track. It is also a stress relief for you to interact and love your dog after a stressful day at work.

4. having your dog locked out in the back yard is a surefire way to make him whine, and to make your neighbors hate you. Your dog wants to be with you and misses your companionship which is had inside the house. Your dog may be whining until you take him in whether that happens within the next 10 minutes or 10 hours. For the sake of your dog and your neighbors, leave your dog inside the house when you are away.

5. Should you discipline a dog that is whining? No, whining is always a sign of distress and punishing a dog that is stressed can make the behavior even worse. Hitting your dog or putting him outside as punishment is the wrong course of action. - 29895

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Clues That You Are Infested with Bed Bugs

By Jack Hanley

Prior to World War II bed bugs were common in the United States. Then with the introduction of DDT, bed bugs were almost completely eradicated in the U. S. Although they did remain in other parts of the world. Since DDT has been banned (for good reasons) bed bugs are becoming more common once again in the States. Their rise has made it important that you know the signs of bed bugs and about bed bug detection.

Bed bugs are approximately the same size and shape of an apple seed. The make their home in furniture, especially mattresses, but will live anywhere that humans are likely to sleep or nap. That is because you are their favorite midnight snack. When it gets dark at night, they like to come out to eat. Once they are full, they scurry back to their favorite hiding place so that you are unaware of their presence.

Bed bugs may migrate into you home by hitch hiking on used furniture, luggage or clothing from hotel rooms, or even your clothing as you visit a movie theater. One female bed bug lays hundreds of eggs during her lifetime. This can lead to infestation of your own home. It does not matter if you keep your home clean or dirty. Cleanliness has nothing to do with bed bug infestation. They only need blood to survive. If they cannot get your blood, the will settle for the blood of your pets.

If a home is fully infested with bed bugs, there is a musty foul odor that fill the space. In fact, one way that bed bugs are detected is by the use of specially trained dogs that use their super sensitive noses to sniff out the bugs. Hopefully, you will be able to look for other signs of bed bugs that will allow you to get the problem under control before it becomes an all out infestation.

Since bed bugs are nocturnal, detection is often difficult. Look in cracks and creases on your bed. Look behind the headboard of your bed to see signs of infestation. If you do not see signs of actual bugs, you need to look for rust or brown spots on the bed or bedding especially along the edges of the bedding.

Keep an eye out for egg shells or discarded skins from molting bugs. Remember that your box springs offer a multitude of places for bed bugs to hide as do ripped or torn mattresses.

If you find bed bugs in the house, take immediate action to get rid of them. It will be a difficult task and you may need to call an exterminator, although many are inexperienced in dealing with bed bugs. Your mattress and box springs may need to be encased in a plastic zipper bag to prevent the bugs from eating. They will die without blood.

You will need to take immediate action any time you detect bed bugs. If you are in a hotel ask for another room. If you are in your home, you may want to get rid of a mattress and buy a new one. Just be sure that you are rid of the bugs before bringing in the new mattress. - 29895

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Fast And Easy Advanced Obedience Lessons You Can Teach Your Dogs

By Geraldine Dimarco

Many people shun advanced obedience training because it seems too difficult a task. It's not. It takes a lot of patience but it is one of the best experiences you can share with your dog. It frees you of dog induced stress while giving your pet a much better life he deserves. Successfully trained dogs receive the mental stimulation they need to make them well-adjusted and confident dogs. Even if you leave him with children and other pets, you can rest assured of his good behavior.

Before you can teach your dog anything, you have to set yourself in the position of power in your relationship. When he recognizes you as his master, training him automatically becomes much easier. If you allow him to get his way at any time,he will be confused as to who is the dominant creature and you will see signs of aggressive behavior in him. Correct this trait as soon as you see it. Don't punish and rebuke him incessantly to show you're the head of him. Instead, continue to just be firm and strong in your training.

Use a strong and sure voice when you give your commands. If you tell him to Sit!, carefully bring him your dog to the appropriate sitting position as you speak out the command. It will take a few times especially at the start of your training. But as the dog develops from basic to advanced obedience training, the dog begins to understand the patterns in your sessions with him and teaching him becomes much easier.

Rewarding the animal with treats and lots of praise is the best way to teach your dog to obey. This is called Operant Conditioning and it is what he understands. You have to remember to praise him every single time he successfully accomplishes a command. Sometimes, when you forget to applaud him, he will get confused as what is good behavior. Take the extra effort to remember will not be wasted on him.

Conversely, admonish the dog strongly for bad behavior committed. Correction should be done as he is making the mistake so he will understand that what he is doing is not good. Reprimanding the dog also draws attention to the difference between what is wrong and what is right. For example, he finds dirt on the street and starts eating it. Scold him right then and there. Then bring dog food before him and encourage him to eat that instead. When he does, lavish him with praise.

Dog obedience training should only be done in 15 minute sessions for maximum efficacy. Be repetitive and consistent in the commands you teach him. Also, make sure you don't keep a strict schedule in your training. If training is done only at a certain period in the day, the animal will put on the obedient mode during that time alone. Teach him in sessions interspersed throughout the day.

We see movie dogs and get awed by how well they carry out the difficult commands they are given. However, remember that they all started with sit. Start with teaching him the basics that worked for you and keep progressing from there. Soon your dog will learn the more difficult command like roll over, fetch and attack.

Now you are in possession of the secrets experts use in their advanced obedience training dog school. All you have to do is to find Fido and get on your way to dog obedience success! - 29895

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Network Marketing And Our Pets

By Cydne Buckley

In 2000 my wife and I went to Florida in the fall to see if we wanted to live there. I found a job at a hotel in Palm Beach as the night mgr/m'aitre d. My wife used to get lonely, because I worked nights so she decided to get a pet without my knowledge. One morning when I woke up I heard a dog barking and was quite surprised. It certainly didn't sound like Cydne (my wife).

She(Cyd) had adopted Dalmatian/springer mix, but she had all the appearance of a springer. At first she didn't seem to like me and found that to be true of all males.When I investigated further Gabrielle (that was her name now) fended for herself on the streets in Florida for over a 1 1/2 years. Somebody must have thrown something at her like a rock or stick and broke one of her ankles. She must have looked for food in those trash barrels to survive and knocked a few of them over. That angered the trash men and I assume that is how she got the injury.

Six months had passed and we wanted to go back to Maine. Of course we brought Gabby with us and she became Cyd's close friend. Wherever Cyd was there was Gabby. Almost like her shadow. We had solved Palm Beach and wanted out of Dodge. Also, Christmas without snow was not Christmas for us. We had nine great years with Gabby and she seemed to enjoy the winters more.

It was a long time before she took to me, but I controlled the food and she was no dummy. I became her second best friend. Cyd was always first no matter how hungry she became.

Unconditional love is the mantra of pets. They don't know any other way and in that respect Gabrielle was no different. What a fantastic attitude and we should all adopt it. There would be no hunger, no wars, no homeless, etc. Although I believe most pet owners spoil them.

In July of this year Gabby developed a cough and we took her to the vet and they didn't know what it was. She developed hind leg problems too. However, I was a distributor for a Network Marketing company and they had a supplement for animals that help increase your own stem cells up to 30%. This helped her hind leg problem tremendously and the cough subsided.

In early November the cough became unbearable for Gabby. We thought she might have cancer and we had a decision to make. This was a very tough decision for us and we waited too long only thinking of ourselves. I guess we couldn't bear the idea of putting her to sleep.

She is at peace now. Gabrielle is gone. She used to dream quite often and they say if you dream you have a soul. Believing in reincarnation I hope she comes back as a teacher and show people how to "Love Unconditionally." Everything would be so easy to do with love. Be of service to your fellow man.

My loss for Gabby cannot be described. I had nobody to walk me this morning or to help me eat my breakfast. Left to my own I didn't do very well. Can we all make a decision to give unconditional love a chance and help other people? Network Marketing is a good vehicle to do just that. Are you ready?

To your committed success, - 29895

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How To Select Dog Grooming Kit For Your Dog

By Joann Breen

Every pet dog, or for that matter, every pet, needs some amount of grooming. Grooming a pet is the core responsibility of the pet owner. and it is very important to know the proper process of grooming your pet in order to have a pet which is happy & which you can be proud of.

The first step towards choosing a dog grooming kit for your little darling would be to decide why you wish to groom it. If you wish to participate your valued canine in a dog show, you would understandably want many more dog grooming tools than you would if caring for your dog is your motive for grooming it.

When you purchase a dog, gather as much info as viable on the specific grooming needs of the particular breed, if any. It is not adequate to buy a dog's grooming kit. It is important to purchase one that is desirable for your dog.

A dog grooming kit commonly contain the following tools: fur clippers, clipper blades, clipper cooling tools, boxes for storing, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, grooming sprays, flea combs, variety of brushes, ear cleansers, cotton swabs to clean ears, rakes, nail cutters, styptic pencils (to clot blood in case the dog starts bleeding during nail clipping) etc. Make sure the dog grooming kit you choose comprises of these basic items. Check to make sure that the comb has superfine and open teeth. A fingertip toothbrush works best. Special toothpastes are obtainable for dogs. Never, ever substitute them with human toothpaste. It might be a good idea to consult a veterinarian with regard to the best brand of shampoo desirable for the unique breed of dog you own. In case your dog has leaky tear ducts, you would need stain removal items to keep the area around the eyes free of buildups. A dog grooming kit may or may not contain a towel. It is advisable to choose a towel that is soft and spongy. Some dog grooming kits also include a pair of scissors to cut hair every now and then. A grooming table is normally needed only in case of dogs groomed for shows.

One of the most significant tools in a dog grooming kit is the clipper. The clipper you choose would be directly dependent upon the fur quality of your dog. Basic clippers with single speed mechanisms are normally adequate for dogs with thin & short fur. On the other hand, those with thick, wavy fur need clippers with higher speed. Moreover, if your dog needs to have its fur clipped often, most veterinarian and groomers commend dual speed clippers. In fact, if your dog has thick and frizzy hair and you are not very positive or knowledgeable about clipping, it is wise to let a professional groomer take over.

You would need a variety of brushes in your dog grooming kit to groom your dog. A slicker brush is very usable to whisk away dull hair while a rake is most vital for brushing the undercoat. While dogs with long hair demand pin brushes, bristle brushes are desirable for those with short fur. A mat comb is needed for dogs that have a problem with matting. - 29895

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Fashionable Dog Names

By Marion Jones

Fashion appears to dictate everything these days. From what you wear to what you name your dog, everything you do is dictated by the need to be cool. Cool dog names are hard to come by and even harder to choose. This is because as soon as something is in fashion, than it is out again.

Who would want to pick a cute dog name that may not be fashionable tomorrow? So, people usually play it safe, which is why the same names have been so popular for so long. To try and break that cycle, five cute dog names are given below with our reasons why you should choose one of them for your dog.

Phoenix: What could be cooler than a bird that goes up in flames and then rises from the ashes? Phoenix is one of the cute dog names that will never go out of fashion because it is rooted in mythology. It has a timeless quality which has surprisingly failed to boost its popularity.

Star: Star is one of the cool dog names because it has so many connotations that you can have a hard time finding out where to start. A star in the sky is a phenomenon and a star can refer to someone that excels in a particular field. It is indeed a high form of praise and therefore is definitely a cool dog name.

Lady: Lady is one of the most popular dog names but it is also one of the cute dog names because of Disney. Lady and the Tramp was a huge hit and made the name popular but also gave it some credibility. In this case popularity is second to cuteness.

Elvis: The coolest of cute dog names. Elvis Presley was undoubtedly cool and remains cool today even after his death. It is infinitely cool to name your dog after an icon who never goes out of fashion.

Shadow: There is a dark and ethereal quality about Shadow that makes it a cute dog name. It would be best used on a big breed of dog however, because it wouldn't have the same striking effect with a small breed.

Whatever cool dog names you use for your pooch, it is a certain method of giving your dog an identity of its own and your dog rememberable to others. - 29895

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GPS Dog Tracking: Never Lose Your Dog Again!

By Adam Webster

GPS dog tracking devices have gained in popularity these days and with good reason as well. Dog owners will certainly want to do everything in their power to ensure that their pet dogs never get lost and so will even turn to making full use of a GPS pet tracking device. Such a device will essentially help the dog owner to track their pet dog, especially after the pet has strayed out of his normal area of movement. With the help of a GPS pet tracking device the dog owner can know immediately as well as efficiently where the lost dog is and in this way ensure his safe retrieval.

The GPS pet tracking device is the result of advances made in Global Positioning Systems (GPS) that were developed as well as promoted by the Defense Department in the US. Such systems are able to pinpoint the location of objects (and obviously dogs as well) with extreme precision and for this to happen the system makes use of satellites.

A second important consideration is the durability of the GPS dog tracking collar. This is a factor that you must evaluate very carefully and in fact it is the biggest concern for those who are looking to keep tabs on their hunting dogs.

The GPS pet tracking system provides highly accurate data about your pet dog and this information can be used to rescue the dog in good time. It therefore makes good sense to invest a little money in purchasing a good GPS dog tracking system because the chances of locating your lost pet dog with such a device in hand will increase exponentially.

The better GPS pet tracking devices are even equipped with strobe lights that are visible from more than one hundred yards distance and in addition the device also has a special mode that is used to inform the owner through fax, SMS or even email whenever the devices' batteries start losing their charge.

There are two different kinds of GPS tracking devices with one being a device that works with the help of cellular carriers that transmit information about the pet's location and in this way help the owner to track the lost pet down. However, such a device only works if there is cell phone coverage available in the area.

The bottom line with using GPS dog tracking collars is that they provide you with peace of mind and will help ensure that you don't waste time fretting about what is going to happen to your pet should he wander out of his home. These devices also come with a wealth of features that in turn will minimize your and your dog's world to a more manageable size.

The better GPS pet tracking systems are now even able to provide round-the-clock customer support that in turn will ensure that your chances of finding your lost pet will increase dramatically.

A dog is a man's best friend and he does (unquestioningly) brings much joy to every home; spending some money on buying a GPS dog tracking collar is but a small price to pay for all the love and company a dog provides. - 29895

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Transport Dog Crates

By Geraldine Dimarco

Traveling by air with your dog can be tricky. The first essential piece of equipment you'll need is a suitable dog crate, but before you look at transport dog crates, you should make sure there are no alternatives to transporting your dog by air. Sometimes it is the only option, and if that is your situation, you should try to make the trip as worry free for your dog as possible.

Airplane travel for dogs is fraught with problems, and most pet owners who have made any enquiries about transporting animals by air are aware of dogs being injured or worse on such trips. Don't misunderstand me, most dog air travel is incident free, but because things can go wrong, planning ahead can mean the difference between a smooth journey for your dog or one with mishaps.

Prior to looking at transport dog crates or buying your airline tickets, the first thing you should do is to call the airline to ascertain their current policies in relation to pet travel. If you plan to transport a puppy, you also need to bear in mind the federal regulations that provide that a dog cannot be less than 8 weeks old as at date of travel, and must have been weaned for at least 5 days before the flight date.

Large dogs have no choice but to travel in the cargo section of the airplane, in transport dog crates. The cargo section unfortunately has neither airconditioning nor heating, which can make for a pretty uncomfortable experience for dogs. Small dogs may be a litte luckier. If they're under 15 pounds, they may be accepted in the passenger compartment of the airplane, traveling in transport dog crates or other types of pet carriers that will fit under your seat.

Following are some further precautions to be taken when traveling by air with your dog:

- book a direct, non-stop flight wherever possible. Avoid plane transfers and stop-overs.

- find out about any delays in your flight schedule before you leave for the airport. You can confirm your flight the day before but it's also a good idea to call the airport just before you are due to leave as well, to double check whether the flight is scheduled to take off on time.

- just prior to leaving for the airport, take your dog for a walk.

- will your dog need food during the flight? Ask your vet well in advance. Generally pet owners are advised to ensure that their dog starts the flight with an empty stomach, but with long flights food may be required, and it will vary depending upon your dog's usual feeding schedule, your dog's usual food, and your dog's size and age.

- take plenty of water for your dog during the flight. Ensure that the airport staff know exactly where the water supply is. Dehydration happens very quickly when flying, so the importance of ensuring an adequate water supply cannot be emphasized enough.

- it's good practise to plan to arrive early at the airport. This is especially important when you're traveling with a pet, as there are more things that can hold you up.

- toilet your dog just before you place him in the transport dog crate if at all possible. Enquire in advance whether there are facilities for your dog to toilet at the airport. If not, get your dog to go immediately prior to leaving for the airport, or stop enroute to the airport just before you get there.

- stay with your dog for as long as possible prior to the flight, and personally deliver the transport dog crate to the gate. (This may not be possible for an international flight).

- when you board the plane, tell the flight attendant that you have a dog in the cargo hold.

- make your way to the baggage area as soon as possible after landing, to meet your dog. - 29895

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Tips for Doggie Tricks

By Geraldine Dimarco

As many an animal lover would know, dogs are generally a happy, loyal, and lovable breed. Sometimes we hold off adopting a puppy because training her would require too much of an effort. Fortunately, there are simple dog training tips available that cover the basics and help get you started to a colorful and rewarding relationship with your dog.

First thing you have to remember is that you have to establish your authority with the dog. He is after all an animal and will instinctively follow you better once he realizes this. Set ground rules that will allow him to acknowledge you as his superior. During meal times, let him watch you eat first then feed him afterwards. When you are crossing the room and he is blocking your path, dont go around him; instead push him gently out of your way. You are the leader of the pack and this is how it goes in the animal world. The earlier he learns you are his boss, the easier to teach him later on.

Dogs can read emotions, especially when you are near them. Be strong and authoritative when you train them. But keep in mind that it is with positive reinforcement that dogs respond well to. Lavish him with accolades. when he obeys a command perfectly. Have doggie treats on hand to give him when he does well. Of course when he makes a mistake you have to correct him at the time it happens and not after. Training should go for around ten to fifteen minutes a few times a day.

You will notice that dogs have similar behavioral patterns indicative of their mood. When happy they wag their tails, have an open look and bark a happy sound. Angry dogs bare their teeth, growl and tense up. Understanding your dogs mood will allow you to gauge him better, subsequently giving you response time to be able to train him more effectively.

Be patient in teaching your dogs new tricks. Ideally you start as early as six weeks but even older dogs can still learn. You will encounter some difficulty at first but remain calm and patient. Consistency will win out and he will learn sooner or later. Do not change your training patterns or schedule. Dogs get confused easily and you might lose ground if that happens.

Train your dogs in a place with no distractions. A playful butterfly or whizzing car will distract him from your lessons. You will find it difficult to get his attention then. A peaceful backyard or any indoor area will be satisfactory.

Most importantly, remember why you got your pet in the first place. Have fun! Training can be tedious and when that happens, just take a break to play and have a romp around the backyard with him. Dogs are special because they have a special ability to take your mind off pressing details and lavish you with love however bad you look or smell. The best dogs are not only those that are trained but those that make for a faithful and constant friend. - 29895

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Grooming Your Dog And Dog Grooming kits-What You Need To Know

By Diana Carver

Remember that just like you uphold your physical appearance to look and feel healthy, your dog requires personal care and proper grooming to lead a happy, healthy life. Grooming one's dog comprises a primary responsibility of the dog possessor. Every dog owner should buy a good dog grooming kit that comprises tools to carry out the basic activities of dog grooming:

Brushing your dog's pelt is vital to ensure good fur and a polished, healthy coat. Since very few dogs are afraid to have their hair brushed, it is an easy process. Longhaired dogs need daily brushing while very short haired dogs need it monthly. Frequent brushing during shedding ensures prevention of hair buildup & excessive shedding.

Nail cutting or filing of nails needs special care and knowledge as cutting nails too close would lead to bleeding paws and instill a perpetual fear in the dog's mind against nail clipping.

Most dogs demand to be bathed once a month, though the interval depends upon the fur type & condition. It is best to use a soap-free dog shampoo to keep the coat clean & shining. By all ways, obviate man shampoo if you do not want your dog to come down with blizzards. A gravely matted dog might need a good shave.

Ear care includes wiping the ears clean with cotton swabs dipped in ear cleansers. Dogs with long & sagging ears and/ or those with infections require frequent treatment, oftentimes with specific medication.

Fur trimming or haircuts are needed at regular intervals, depending on the texture & length of the hair. This can be done by an knowledgeable, confident possessor or a professional groomer on a cleaned, tangle free dog coat. Maintaining a clean coat prevents fleas & parasites.

Ensure the items in your dog grooming kit to assure if they are desirable for your unique breed of dog. As for clippers, an ergonomic shape is most favourable. Make sure that the clipper doesn't involve any complexed system of removing and attaching blades. Also, it should be tough, should not heat up too soon & be processed with a silent, instant motor.

One should always keep a clabbering agent or a styptic pencil handy in the dog grooming kit while trimming nails, so that the dog can be assisted to if its paws start bleeding.

After a bath followed by drying with a spongy towel, it is important to blow dry your dog's coat. A dog grooming kit may or may not comprise of a blow dryer. Use a blow dryer specially designed for dogs. A human one might scorch the coat of the dog.

If one doesn't want to get one's home wet & hairy, doing it in the garden or backyard is a good idea. One can groom a dog on the ground or on a table. - 29895

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Why You Need Dog Insurance

By Geraldine Dimarco

Have you ever considered getting dog insurance to cover the medical expenses and veterinarian care that your dog or puppy may need in the near future? The truth is that most pet owners do not consider taking out dog health insurance until they experience an unplanned visit to the veterinarian to treat an injury or illness, which ends up costing hundreds or thousands of dollars.

And how easy is it for a dog to break his or her leg, do you think? Well, just as with humans, bone breakages in dogs happen every single day, and they can occur in your back yard and inside your house, as well as outside while exercising your dog in the park or at the beach. So how much do you think that broken bone might cost in veterinary fees? Well, the average vet cost for a broken bone is $900.00. By comparison, the monthly premium for dog insurance is just a few dollars, and you're covered for every eventuality.

Dog Insurance Coverage

As with any insurance plan, the types of coverage offered and the prices for these premiums will vary from company to company. However, you can expect the top dog insurance plans to offer coverage on the following veterinarian services:

Spaying/Neutering: Unless you are a serious breeder then it is only ethical that you have your dog spayed or neutered. Your dog health insurance plan may cover up to 100% of the cost. And remember, having your dog fixed helps keep animal population under control and reduces the chances of dogs roaming the streets looking for a mate, often resulting in injuries due to fighting or other accidents.

Prescription Flea Control: Some dogs just don't respond adequately to over-the-counter flea remedies. And fleas must be taken seriously, not only for your dog's comfort, but because they also carry various diseases and encourage other parasites. Dog insurance plans may cover the costs of the more potent prescription flea control products.

Annual Examination: Whether or not your vet has conned you into thinking that annual vaccinations are essential for your dog, the annual examination is a necessity. It will identify minor health problems before they become major health problems, and treatment can start while there's still a good prospect of success. Your dog insurance policy should cover the annual exam.

Heartworm Treatment: If your dog is diagnosed with heartworm, immediate treatment is required. And it's expensive. Although it's certainly by far preferable to avoid the heartworm infestation in the first place by using heartworm prevention, your dog insurance should in fact cover the cost of heartworm treatment should the need ever arise.

Lab Fees: Blood tests and other lab work should also be covered by most dog health insurance plans. Such tests may include blood work for worms, diseases, and abnormalities with pregnancy.

Teeth Cleaning: Some dogs need their teeth cleaned under anaesthetic on a semi-regular basis. Other dogs may never need this procedure. But how do you know? Your dog may need his/her teeth cleaned, and if you have dog insurance, you'll probably be covered for this.

Hospitalization Costs: Your dog may need to be hospitalized if he becomes ill or if he is injured. We already know that injuries are a considerable expense. And yes, hospitalization is an additional impost. Make sure you pick a dog health policy that covers hospitalization (all the good ones do). - 29895

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Transport Dog Crates and Stylish Pet Carriers

By Geraldine Dimarco

An alarming number of dogs and other pets become injured, lost, or even die on board an airplane when traveling in transport dog crates. Compared to the number of successful animals transported from one location to another via the airlines, this number is low. But dog enthusiasts and breeders routinely fly their dogs in transport dog crates or pet travel carriers without having any trouble at all. The airlines claim to make every effort possible that dogs that travel on-board will be perfectly safe.

It is sensible to take as many reasonable precautions as you can to avoid any mishaps. After all, you would never forgive yourself if something terrible occurred and it was avoidable by you having taken some simple precautions.

The best precautionary measure you can take, of course, is not to transport your pet at all. The next best is to drive to your destination and take your dog in the car with you - you will preferably need to use pet travel carriers for this purpose, but your dog will be right alongside you all the way. If you have a puppy, or small dog, then the trip will not be so traumatic for your dog if he is allowed to travel in the passenger compartment with you, tucked safely underneath your seat. There are some really stylish pet carriers you can use for this purpose, as well as the very small sized transport dog crates.

It is essential before proceeding with any type of dog transport, to take your dog to your vet for a complete checkup to ensure that there are no medical conditions that might be aggravated by any type of travel, or confinement for a number of hours in transport dog crates or pet carriers for small pets.

As far as comfort for your dog goes, do your best to select a flight that is either during the early morning hours or early evening time. These are the best times during the day in which your dog will experience the most comfortable of temperatures. Avoid flying your pet during extreme weather climates that are too hot or too cold. Remember, he will be stuffed down in the cargo area.

It may seem like common sense to advise this tip, but it does happen at times where puppies are loaded in a crate and do not handle the flight very well. Always fly your puppy with you in the cabin area so that you can keep the dog comfortable with small treats and affection. A puppy's early weeks (and months) are a very crucial time in its life. Everything that the dog experiences becomes downloaded into its memory. It's called socialization and a traumatizing flight that keeps a puppy in a constant state of shock and anxiety for hours on end may have disastrous results that could last a lifetime for the pup.

All dogs, no matter what their age, can be affected by separation anxiety. And unfortunately larger dogs have no option but to be placed in the cargo section of the airplane in transport dog crates for this purpose. Travel pet carriers that go underneath seats are not an option for larger dogs.

In such a case, consider carefully whether there is any other option. If there isn't, speak to your vet about either natural travel and/or anxiety remedies for dogs, or even a sedative if your vet thinks it necessary. Take these steps, and you will minimize the possibility that your dog will ever be one of the statistics. - 29895

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Information on Homemade Dog Food

By Geraldine Dimarco

Family dogs in America, like their human counterparts, are becoming more obese and less healthy. This is primarily because of diet and decreased activity. Many people research dog information sources to learn what dogs need to eat and how much they should eat. If you are one of the people who want to make your own dog food at home, do the research carefully.

Some companies, such as flint river ranch dog food, make human grade dog food, which means a person can eat it without becoming ill. Alternatively, you can make your own dog food at home. Some dog owners have started their pets on diets that are tailored to meet their pet's special dietary needs.

First, the owner must research what the ideal food is for meals, snacks and treats. Once they have collected enough dog information, the owner can guarantee that his/her beloved pet is getting the nutrition it needs. Some owners have even begun using their dog information to make their own dog food and dog treats. This must be done carefully as learning how to make your own dog food can be harmful to your dog if you do not do it correctly.

For example, there may be certain meats or fats that your dog can not digest. In addition, there are some foods that are bad for dogs. These include chocolate, grapes, raisins, bread dough, and anything moldy. There are also companies that will make all natural dog food for you. These companies have done all the research and know your dog information including what vitamins and minerals your dog needs to survive and thrive. They also know what foods can make your dog sick.

Some companies, such as Flint River Ranch Dog Food, make human grade dog food, which means a person can eat it without becoming ill. Today you can buy dog treats that are safe enough for people to eat. Specialist pet bakeries create these snacks and bake them just as if they were cookies or bread. Ask your pet bakery if you can bring your dog in for samples so you may buy the dog treats he loves most.

Deciding what to feed your dog is only part of the responsibility assigned to you; you also have an obligation to do your research to give your dog the best life possible. In addition to appropriate food, keeping your dog healthy will require plenty of exercise, water, and rest. Remember that your dog needs you to make the wise decisions for him in order to keep him healthy and fit.

American dogs, like American people, are gaining more and more excess weight. They may live contentedly with their owners, but a lot of dogs are less active than they should be and eat less appropriate diets than dogs did only 10 to 20 years ago. We see more illness, more vet bills and dogs with much shorter life spans as well. - 29895

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Poodle Grooming is Important for All Poodle Owners

By Geraldine Dimarco

If you own a poodle, you will find that one of the expenses that will start eating away at your pocket book is grooming them! Many people are finding that grooming poodles themselves can both help them save their money and help them get to know their pet a little bit better as well. While the art of poodle grooming might seem a little esoteric, the truth is, anyone who has a bit of patience and a willingness to help their pet look the best that it can can do a fairly accomplished job.

Grooming standard poodles completely takes about three hours, once you get good at it. While you're still learning, you might have to spread the job out over a few days. This is both to give you a break, and for your poodle. If you're not willing to learn poodle grooming on your own, or are worried about the time it takes, you'll have to choose a professional to do it. Remember to pick this person out carefully. Talking to other poodle owners is a good way to find a good groomer.

You'll have to decide which trim you prefer. Poodles have coats that lend themselves to plenty of different looks. However, your choice will in part be dictated on how much time and effort you're willing to put into keeping your dog's coat in shape. Why you keep your poodle will make a difference too. Show poodles have a very limited range of acceptable trims.

When you are looking at the lion cut, you'll find that there are three different variations on it. These variations will include the continental style, the English saddle style and the puppy cut. All three of these styles will involve longer fur in the areas of the chest and legs, and this can give the poodle the distinctive poodle cut that you might easily recognize. For dogs who were originally bred to be swimmers, it is worth noticing that this cut, with it's extra shaped fur around the chest and the legs, could keep the chest warmer and the protect the joints in cold water.

If you are not going to compete your poodle in the ring, you'll find that you can choose a shorter trim, which is excellent for easy maintenance and drying, especially in the colder months. You can get a longer furred look, too, but remember that it will take more time to keep up. You'll find that there are many pictures and books that can help you out.

Most people choose to clip the fur at the base of the tail and on the feet and face very short. It works better for the dog's hygiene, since long hair can trap food. Short clipped feet don't pick up grass seeds, and mean that your dog won't track in as much dirt. Remember that shorter coats are easier to wash and dry, and they don't need as much brushing as a fluffy, long coat. Always wash your poodle before grooming to keep your clippers and scissors in good shape. Use high quality equipment, too. While it's more expensive to start with, it'll make poodle grooming much easier. - 29895

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Hip Dysplasia in Dogs - An Arthritic Condition

By Jennefer Poultson

There are many forms of arthritis that can create pain for a dog. Like humans, dog arthritis is an inflammation of a joint or joints. Anywhere a dog has a joint they can have arthritis. The cartilage in the joint may be inflamed, but it can also be joint fluid causing the issues within the bones. The main types of arthritis in dogs are osteoarthritis, immune mediated, infective, and idiopathic.

Dog arthritis comes in various forms. Just as in humans, arthritis is an inflammation in the joints. A dog may develop arthritis anywhere that they have a joint. The cartilage in the joint may be inflamed or it may be synovial fluid which is at issue in some cases. The most common types of dog arthritis are osteoarthritis, infective, immune mediated and idiopathic arthritis.

The stiffness of the limbs will be more pronounced in the mornings or after long naps, but by working with the dog and encouraging exercise the stiff appearance will disappear through the day. There will also be pain in the joints felt when you touch their limbs or the area suffering. The last sign can be seen in a swelling of the limb around the joint. While it may not be noticeable when you feel the area, you should be able to notice a difference between joints.

To understand the treatments for arthritis in dogs you must also understand the causes. The causes are normally because of injury to the affected area, obesity, or a result of a genetic or other disease such as hip dysplasia. Most of the younger dogs have issues with failure in the bone development causing the inflammation.

Arthritis medicine is available for dogs who suffer from the condition - this can treat the inflammation. Many dog owners instead opt for more natural methods of treatment for their pet, finding them more helpful in many cases. Glucosamine and MSM are two popular natural dog arthritis treatments (they are also used in humans with arthritis). A lot of experts in the field think that arthritis is best treated by a combination of MSM, Glucosamine and Chondroitin.

Depending on the cause of the arthritis in dogs you may need to have medication for your pet. Some types of arthritis can be taken care of with a healthy diet and exercise. Obesity in dogs is one cause of arthritis. By helping the dog to maintain a natural weight for their size and eating a healthy diet you can eliminate the pain of arthritis. The joints may still experience some lasting effects; however this is minimal damage that can be treated with more glucosamine in the diet as well as other herbs.

Many times, just a change in diet can be enough to treat the symptoms of arthritis in dogs. Especially in tandem with exercise, diet can relieve arthritis in many dogs. Just as in humans, obesity can lead to arthritis. If the animal is kept at a healthy weight, then much of the pain of arthritis will simply disappear.

Again the method of treatment should depend on the severity of the arthritis as well as the cause of it. Some causes are something you must treat, but cannot be rectified, unlike obesity that can be treated and corrected. - 29895

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The Dog Training Tips Professional Trainers Use

By Geraldine Dimarco

Contrary to popular opinion, anyone can train their dogs. Whoever told you it can't be done have used incorrect methods or have failed because they gave up too soon. Nothing tests your patience like dog training; but staying on course until you see the fruits of your labor is incredibly rewarding. Not only will your home be clean and shiny, you will have a better social life and a happier relationship with your pet.

To understand more the groundwork of basic dog training tips, let us see the world through the eyes of our pet. Humans are sensible and cognitive beings equipped to correctly assess situations through logic, assumptions and basic reasoning. Our dogs are not as fortunate. They are lovely pets yes, but their comprehension is only derived from simple reactions and a consistent pattern of training they get from us. 'Come!' is completely different from 'Let's go!' and 'Come here!' from a dog's perspective. He might go to you after several tries but it's probably just luck and not real understanding you can work on.

You need to be consistent and repetitive in teaching your dogs. Use the exact word or phrase each time you give a command.

A healthy and successful relationship with your dog starts with the establishment of your authority over him as his master. Be firm and strong when you deal with him, never harsh and violent. Once the dog understands this, he will seek to be a 'good boy' and obey commands promptly if he knows this pleases you.

Rubbing the dogs belly is a good strategy in enforcing your authority. It teaches him submission by allowing him to lick the back of your hand. Never concede to his growling and whining just to keep him quiet. It is imperative that you establish habits that lead to good behavior the earlier the better.

There is a trick professionals use in training dogs and it is this: allow the canine to teach himself. What does this mean? If a dog is doing something that demands correction, you should reprimand him immediately and replace the wrong behavior with a better one through inflicting either pleasant or less than desirable sensations.

When the dog chews on a shoe, use a quick sharp squirt of a water gun to his face. If he resumes chewing, squirt him again. Now place one of his playthings in front of him. If he picks it up and plays with it, praise him enthusiastically. The dog will associate good feelings with playing with his toy and bad feelings when playing with the shoe.

Do not forget to bring him up properly with socialization. It is an often overlooked but very important aspect of dog training. Establishing social skills is best during the first three months of the puppy's life. However, adult dogs needs and would benefit from regular interaction with people and other animals. Make socialization an integral part of his life by introducing your pet to vaccinated dogs, different kinds of people and crowded places whenever you can.

To bring someone or something up in discipline and tender care is a sign of love and maturity. These dog training tips will help your dogs be happy and confident in their life. Sure it has its challenges; but the end result is always worth it. - 29895

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Flint River Ranch and Other Dog Information

By Geraldine Dimarco

How important do you think it is to keep your dog healthy, as opposed to keeping your dog happy? Are the two mutually exclusive? I'm sure they're not. Keeping your dog in peak health is bound to affect his general happiness and wellbeing.

Dogs are very social creatures. You cannot leave them outside in the yard, hardly ever interract with them, and expect them to be happy. Many dog owners truly consider their pet as their best friend. But what these caring owners might not consider is the quality of the dog food they provide for their pet. Some owners are baffled by health conditions that come and go for what seems to be no apparent reason.

A number of people will turn to professionals for dog information. Sometimes, the first suggestion will be supplements or pharmaceuticals. However, this may be unnecessary. If you have been feeding your pet grocery store brands, all you may need to do is switch to a premium food. The results will be quickly apparent. Many dog foods contain the scraps and waste left from food processors. It doesn't sound very appetizing, and is not considered the healthiest type of food.

For the owners of dogs who are searching for dog information for a healthy diet, there are other methods. One alternative is to make your own dog food. The food prepared by a person for his family can be used for the dog. It should be cooled to room temperature in the refrigerator before the dog is fed. Unfortunately, this is not the simplest of solution. First off, the nutrition needs of our canine friends are quite different from ours. Unless you have a good encyclopedia of dog information at hand, it is easy to miss something. Further, purchasing and preparing special food from scratch can be costly and time intensive.

It would be far preferable to discover a dog food product made with organic ingredients fit for human consumption. Flint River Ranch manufactures their pet foods under rigorously controlled conditions. Their product is highly digestible and its crucial vitamins and minerals are easily absorbed. This is a top level dog food that will make your pet lick his bowl clean. To improve a person's dog's appearance, health, and energy, Flint River Ranch pet foods can be of great help. Flint River Ranch owners produce good quality food products and give help to pet owners who wish for a healthy lifestyle for their pets. They can be provided with the best quality, human grade dog food.

Several dog owners regard the dog as their best friend, but they may not give much importance to the dog food that they give to their pet. Many brands of dog food contain leftovers and waste from food processing machines. Obviously, it sounds rather unappetizing, and is not the healthiest choice for your pet. Fortunately, there are alternative options for those in search of dog information regarding a healthy diet. For one, you could opt to make your own dog food. If you want a healthier dog, and are trying to improve your dog's energy level and appearance, you should try Flint River Ranch dog food. - 29895

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Symptoms of Dog Worms

By Jennefer Poultson

One very common ailment in canines is worm infestation. Worms are parasites that dwell inside of your dog and all cause different problems. These symptoms depend upon the kind of worm your dog has. Generally there are five major worm types: hookworms, whipworms, heartworms, roundworms and tapeworms. All of these can cause light to severe complication and must be treated. Take a look at the different kinds of parasites and what each worm does.

The most common type of infestation comes from the roundworm. This parasite is usually passed to puppies from their mothers either before birth or in her breast milk. This intestinal worm can be passed to humans. In dogs, the worm will cause weight loss and a potbellied appearance. Left untreated these worms multiply at an alarming rate. An adult female roundworm can lay up to 200,000 eggs per day for a year. This can cause an obstruction in the dogs' intestinal tract and lead to death. It is recommended that you treat your animals with a regular schedule of de-wormer starting when they are weaned. There are commercial as well as natural treatment options available.

Hookworms are similar to roundworms because they are intestinal parasites. The hookworm is smaller and feeds on blood from your dog's intestinal wall. Hookworm dog worms symptoms are anemia which may lead to death. Some symptoms are not visible in the vomit or stool. To make sure if your dog is infested with hookworms, you must take in a stool sample to your vet for analysis. The hookworm can be passed to humans but it will not cause the same problems as in canines. In humans, the hookworm penetrates just under the skin's surface causing an itchy rash with a worm like appearance.

The tapeworm is so named because of its appearance; it is long and flat looking much like a piece of tape. This type of worm is spread in dogs by the ingestion of an infected flea. For example, the flea feeds off an infected animal picking up the tapeworm egg, and then your pet eats the flea while grooming himself. Symptoms of tapeworm infestation are nervousness, abdominal pain, itching especially around the anus, vomiting and weight loss. If you see any of these symptoms, you may want to seek medical attention.

Whipworms live in the dog's colon and are not viewable by the naked eye. They feed off the dog's intestinal wall and cause many ailments. dog worms symptoms of the whipworm include weight loss, diarrhea which contains mucous or blood, anemia and flatulence. The whipworm is the hardest to get rid of but there are both natural and pharmaceutical treatments available. Our dog, Lucy, not only had parvovirus but was also infected with whipworms. She was treated with an oral medication.

The heartworm is the most serious dog worm. It is passed through the mosquito. If you want your pooch to be heartworm free, you must seek prevention. People who should worry about this will live in warm, damp climates and will have a heavy mosquito population. If your dog becomes infected, there are a few treatment options available. Most of them amount to giving your canine limited doses of arsenic which can kill your pet. The heartworm will make its haven in the heart and its arteries causing it to enlarge and eventually fail. dog worms symptoms of the heartworm include coughing, weight loss and a potbellied appearance. No matter what kind of worm you may be dealing with, seek natural advice or that of your vet. Be proactive for better canine health. Your dog will give you a big lick in appreciation! - 29895

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Puppy Teeth Cleaning - How to Do It Effectively

By Geraldine Dimarco

Dog teeth cleaning is something which should become a daily part of your routine of caring for your pet. Just like us, dogs can develop tooth disease; making it very important to make sure that you care for your pet's health by keeping their teeth clean and tartar free.

Dental Health and Hygiene in Dogs

Dogs can get many of the same tooth, gum and mouth diseases as we can - and since your dog can't tell you if they have a toothache, pet owners have to make sure to take care of their dog's teeth. Left alone, a tooth infection can lead to more serious problems with their vital organs.

Your dog's diet definitely has a direct effect on their dental health. Choosing foods and treats that are fortified and designed to keep their teeth and gums healthy are an easy way to implement dental hygiene into your dog's life. Although professional cleaning by a veterinarian is an option, this should only be considered in extreme cases as unnecessarily having your dog anesthetized is not only expensive, but it also puts undue stress on your pet.

Cleaning Your Dog's Teeth

With patience and perseverance, you can get your dog to become comfortable with tooth brushing. You adult dog or puppy can learn to have their teeth brushed by using your finger and a canine favorite; peanut butter!

Your pet will lick your finger (and the peanut butter). You can start rubbing their teeth and gums while praising your dog. After a few days you r dog will become accustomed to this and you can start trying it with a piece of gauze wrapped around your finger. Rub the teeth and gums with your finger just as you would with a toothbrush. When your dog gets used to this procedure, you can start using a real toothbrush.

Never use toothpaste intended for humans on your dog as ingredients such as baking soda will upset their stomach. Also, dog toothpaste is specially formulated for their teeth and will have an appealing smell and taste to help make the process a bit easier. Start out by letting your dog lick a dollop of toothpaste off of the brush first, then use more to finally start brushing.

Lift the sides of your dog's gums so you can access their upper teeth, aptly called the canines, and hold the toothbrush at a 45 degree angle for the best results. This allows you to clean the gum line as well as the teeth to keep the gums equally as healthy. Brushing two to three teeth at a time, brush in a circular motion anywhere from eight to ten times or so in order to get each area clean. A dog's upper back teeth tend to be the most susceptible to decay and periodontal disease, so if anything, focus your efforts there first.

Make dog teeth cleaning a happy occasion for your dog. Keep low key to prevent your dog from getting too excited to hold still. You should only need abut a minute to get your dogs' teeth clean and make sure that they stay healthy and happy. - 29895

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Dog Cages-Tips On Getting The Right Dog Cage For your Dog

By Pete Cordingley

Dog cages are wrongly thought of by a lot of people as a prison but this is far from the truth. A dog cage is not to restrict movement of your dog, rather it is a place provided to for your dog to feel secure and safe. The designing of cages to appear like a dogs house will help change the thinking of people who think that dog cages are only used for punishment purposes, where your pet is put to confine his movement.

It has been discovered from studies that pet dogs feel safe when in their cage and feel at home there. Dogs happily spend time sleeping in a dog cage. It is recommended to train the pups in their early stage of life to use a dog cage so that they are comfortable using it as they get older.

A dog cage should not be employed for punishment purposes when your pet dog is been naughty, since your dog will get ill-feeling for the cage and will be unwilling to go into it. Dogs invariably will acquire a resentment to remain in the cage.

Locking up dogs in cages for punishment will make them more aggressive, they will not listen to you, and will not follow your commands. A dog is a sensitive animal and for cage training it is far better to produce a feeling that dog cages are safe places to stay. The main idea behind employing the dog cage for your dog is to make him feel comfortable.

When your dog is comfortable staying in its cage it will be lot easier to take him from one place to another. One of the most important reasons for training a good attitude for their cage is this also. Before you provide training to your dog to stay in the cage, it is necessary to get the dog cage equipped with a couple of things that will add to the comfort of your dog.

One of the things you should do is add some blankets to provide a softer base on the floor of their dog cage for your pet to lie down. Next is to provide water so that your dog can drink when necessary. Furthermore, place some toys for him to play with. Therefore the size of the cage needs to be such that all these items can be fitted in it as these things will make your pet dog feel that it is in safe place and cage is not a jail.

At the beginning keep the door of the dog cage open, but in time slowly keep the door closed for a short time. Once your pet feels the cage is safe you can step by step increase the time for keeping door of the cage closed. The main intent of cage training is to get your dog feel safe and secure rather than employing the cage as punishment. - 29895

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Pet Insurance for Your Pets

By Geraldine Dimarco

It was a huge shock when the vet informed us of the cost to treat our dog in the absence of pet insurance, and all I could think about at the time was whether he was worth the cost. That's awful, isn't it? Medical science cannot cure everything and pets are vulnerable too. Animals do not always survive after a course of treatment or operation.

The financial aspect of looking after a pet is something that must be considered carefully; when money problems occur, temporary or otherwise, this causes further worries. Raising (sometimes) large sums of money can be prove to be financially embarrassing especially when you are have money problems; which could mean contacting a relative or friend for the money.

A poor financial situation should never be a reason why a pet does not receive adequate attention; arranging a pet insurance policy saves this type of predicament from happening in the future. A pet health insurance plan does not have cost the earth; the average monthly premium will be less than forty dollars.

Pet insurance is not high on most American's agenda despite tens of millions of pet owners; the reason for this remains a mystery. Generally speaking, health insurance is not something that people neglect; should we be forgiven for not caring enough about our pets then?

Although there are a large number of pet owners in the States, most do not see a reason to have pet insurance; the reason for this remains a mystery. The average American will have health insurance; so we should do the same for our pets.

Considered by many as an unnecessary expense, however, pet owners soon realize that vets bills are costly and it doesn't take much treatment for them to enter into four figure bills. No area is immune for price increases and vets fees are no exception; many people have seen their pet insurance premium increase as a consequence.

Pet health cover costs, like many other types of insurance plans, are on the increase. This should really be enough to make you think twice about delaying but this isn't the only reason. Accidents and serious illnesses occur from time to time. This can happen at any time and usually when you can least afford it!

Various pet health insurance options are available; perhaps to incorporate more than one pet on the same plan. Pet owners providing a health plan for their pets is not the luxury you may think it is. Perhaps the information supplied here has made things are a little clearer now and you won't delay further. Your pet's life (and your finances) may depend upon it! - 29895

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